Head office : level 8, 187 Macquarie St Sydney
Email: Keyholesurgerycentre@bigpond.com
Phone: 02 92213919
Fax: 02 92331049
Have any questions? Please feel free to browse our Frequently Asked Questions, if you still are unsure you can call or contact us directly.
Q: What should I bring with me when I come for a scheduled office appointment?
A: Apart from medicare and your insurance information;
- A referral from your General Practitioner or family doctor is desirable.
- All pertinent reports and test results from your primary care or referring physician.
- A list of all medications that you are currently taking.
- A list of any known drug allergies and the symptoms you may have from taking these medicines.
Q: Are my medical records kept private and confidential?
A: Your medical file is handled with the utmost respect for your privacy. Our staff are bound by strict confidentiality requirements as a condition of employment regarding your medical records. Ordinarily we will not release the contents of your medical file without your consent.
Q: Do I need a referral to make an appointment?
A: A medical referral is desirable to ensure that you are seeing the appropriate specialist. It is however essential, if your treatment comes under the medicare guidelines for treatment of psychological problems.
Not all health insurances will rebate for neuropsychological assessments and therefore check with your health insurance before making an appointment.
To be eligible for medicare rebate you require a referral from a GP or a referring physician. The current medicare rebate is $110 per 50 minute consultation for upto 12 visits per year.
Q: How can my family doctor help me to obtain specialist medical care?
A: Before seeing any medical specialist, it is always preferable to talk to your own family doctor, who can discuss your condition with you and advise on whether any specialist care is appropriate. If it is, he or she can help you to choose the specialist best suited to your needs. Your family doctor can help the specialist to care for you better by providing relevant information about your health. Communicating with the specialist will also enable your family doctor to care for you better during and after your specialist treatment.
Keyhole Surgery Centre I Contact : 02 92213939